Friday, June 19, 2009

Craic House Redux

I don't have time this morning to do a discussion post....I'll be back later today tho...

You'll have to apply to join at this point...I'll approve anybody I recognize who wants in, for the time being...okay?

If the new group gets some play I'll probably close down the other sites...but it won't be this week...or even next.

Webby I hope will continue as Co manager....and Willie too if I can catch up with him to ask....

Willie are you reading any of this hon?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Re A Windows Live Group.... three of us are in sync to try a new group site/setting....

I don't want to name it after myself, or Sylvan Glade....shall I try for Craicers or Craic House Revised or something totally different???

Input people....input....I'm too weak really to try and think this all up alone anymore...trying to save what stamina I have left for the 350 mile drive Monday. That will probably kill me.

The new group will have very few frills...but is quite easy to navigate and post in, and anybody can post as a member...

Communicate and collaborate with your group online.
Your group will appear in Windows Live Messenger.
Coordinate using a group calendar.
Share photos and files.

Groups with up to 20 members can have group conversations using Windows Live Messenger. Members will be able to see the e-mail address and online status of other members in Messenger.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I lived...

and posted a big ol' fun post about my experience...and then the phone rang; I hit a wrong key and lost the whole post somewhere.

Suffice it to say I sailed through the TTE and the Cardioversion...I heard today (the phone call) that my coumadin level is good...but I need to take more of this ghastly potassium shit. The pills are big enough to choke a horse and must be taken 3 times a day now, with food...goddamitall, I don't eat 3 times a day on my BEST day. GRRR

I'm STILL packing 13 pounds of excess that's fairly miserable...but hopefully it will fade...thank goodness my hands and arms aren't bloated up too. Just elephant feet, ankles n' legs. Hurts though...

But my heart is no longer racing or out of rhythm...that's quite nice. far so good...

OH BTW....I'm thinking of starting another Windows Live....It is MUCH simpler to join, find, use, and enjoy. PLUS if you have Messenger, live CHAT would be possible for those within the group with messenger....

Any discussion?

Still alive!

HEY...I found the lost post...such as it is...

That was the slickest procedure I've ever been muss, no fuss...bada bing I was awake again and eating a turkey sandwich while the drug effects wore off. We were outta there by 3:30...and popping a beer at the oul' local by 4:00 p.m. At 2:20 the Anesthetist had said to me...

"Okay honey, a couple deep breaths through your nose...blow out through your mouth..."

I did as told .... and woke up to find all the peeps and equipment cleared away, with Himself at my bedside. It was about 3:05....they got me up/dressed, fed and out the door shortly.

I didn't feel any differently except my heart was no longer pounding. Pretty cool beans, ehhhh?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Off to the clinic I go....

for some kind of tune-up for my heart...something to do with the timing chain...I suppose...guess after all these years I need a jump start...the only thing that really bothers me is that they will administer some kind of amnesiac....

ya'll cross yer fingers that I only forget a little bit...they have been known to overdo some meds...and after all this latest round of quacks...I don't trust them one bit better than I ever poor doc is so tired he can hardly stay awake from victim to victim....

Anyhow...Reb will know what's going on...if anything goes on you should know...hopefully I'll be back later today.

Till soon, Slainte !

Monday, June 15, 2009

Not to upstage Colorado Birds...

I found a lovely North Atlantic Skyline Blog about Irish birds this morning...and then at a Montana Tourism site I found this lovely little site about feathery friends...I don't recall ever seeing any of these pictured, but they are beautiful photos. Hope the link works...

I entered some contest for a trip to Montana too...only 1 per email dupes allowed, so I'm sure I don't stand a chance but it would be fun to get a PAID trip for a change.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

More bad pictures of cool yardbirds

Red winged blackbird:
Mrs yellow headed blackbird:

Mr yellow headed blackbird:
I've not seen the yellow headed blackbird before. I think it's kind of fun and festive that I've been having black & yellow (gold) birds lately, though, to celebrate my hockey team's win of the Stanley Cup!